What surprises me with so much information at our fingertips is that so many of us guard our opinions so fiercely that we become willfully and intentionally ignorant, insisting we are right. It’s far too easy to repeat someone else’s talking point from a talk show or tap out a query into a search engine and assume the response is true and accurate. After all, if the Internet or someone in the media says it’s true, it must be! It’s not hard at all to find some source that will agree with us or feed our paranoia, as untrue or misguided as it may be. And of course, by passing those thoughts on in an email or posting it on a social media platform gives it credibility because if enough people are saying it, again, it must be true. Fact-checking is unnecessary, of course. Who are you going to believe - me or some other guy on a soap box? You know me and I wouldn't lead you down the primrose path! For the record, if I put something up that is patently untrue, I hope you show me the source that proves me wrong. If it’s an opinion…well, you know what they say about opinions. Everyone has one.
I don’t want to downplay the importance of opinions, but I
do want to be very direct in saying that I think that opinions should be the
product of critical and deliberate thought processes. Just repeating something
because someone – regardless of that person’s esteem in your eyes – sets a
dangerous precedent and it sidesteps some important things that could impact
your life for good or ill. I bring this up because it’s one person’s opinion
that saved me while the other’s may have put my life in jeopardy. I’m not
suggesting that either is less competent, had less of my interest at heart, or
was outright wrong. I’m not a doctor,
but within an hour of each other, one opinion suggested that over the course of
three to six months, I would be getting tested and treated while the other
opinion saw a medical emergency with a prognosis of death in three months
without treatment and insisted I be admitted for treatment immediately. I can’t overstate the obvious here – both doctors are highly
intelligent, well-respected, and experts in the field. Both doctors have been
described to me by everyone as brilliant and to this day, I implicitly trust
them both. That said, I have to be the one to weigh their opinion and ask
questions and formulate my own course of action.
This isn’t about sex, religion, or politics. It’s much more
personal and the consequences potentially lethal if I screw it up.
I could have left that consultation and done some research. I'm an intelligent, college-educated guy with my skin in this game after all!
I could have surfed the Internet and found some site that agreed with my
line of reasoning. I could have found some sort of alternative treatment that would be less expensive, less invasive, and less painful, ranging from
macrobiotic diet to apricot pits. I could have turned to a faith-based solution
and trusted that I would be healed supernaturally. I could have found another
doctor, I’m certain, who would have been more inclined to take a slow, reasoned
approach to this rather than admitting me that very night. A second opinion is by no means out of the
question in something like this. A second opinion is a good thing. Or,
one equally valid option was to do nothing.
After all, I was without symptom and feeling just fine. Any one of these courses could be correct and
any one of them alone could have met with disastrous results. Now that over a month
has passed since that first meeting, had the leukemia been left untreated, it’s
highly likely that it would have progressed to the point of making me really
quite ill and in a far more vulnerable and precarious place in getting treated. With as much cancer as was detected in my bone marrow, it's even possible that I might not have made it...but we won't go there.
All of these options were presented to me in one form or
another by well-meaning people, some challenging me to change my treatment plan, some suggesting
strongly that I get a second opinion from somewhere else, and one person
suggesting directly about alternative medicine.
In the end, I had to evaluate everything and make my own decision. No
one would or could do that for me. And as you all know, I don't rule out any part of these things in the role of treatment. Positive attitude and laughter, prayer and support from you all, a healthier diet, essential oils, consulting a team of doctors, and so on all contribute to my ongoing treatment and healing. It's all important.
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"Think, think, think!" |
The greatest gift I can give back to you is to ask you the question, “why” and trust that you’re thinking things through. If you disagree with me, I again hope you'll engage me not to argue, but to ensure I'm thinking things through as well. We so very much just want to be entertained rather than making more decisions. After a long day, even one more decision can be downright exhausting, but decisions are, in essence, your liberty. Don’t let someone else make decisions for you when it comes to the important stuff. Think for yourself. In the words of the venerable Oscar Wilde, “A man who does not think for himself does not think at all.” After all, the last thing we all need is your critical thought in the ICU.
We live in an overly stimulated electronic society where we can allow ourselves to be the pawns of vitriolic talk show hosts and opinionated columnists or we can weigh what we hear and think for ourselves. That critical thought could save you from a well-meaning friend or relative’s misguided or misinformed judgment or it could save you from your own bad ingrained habits. I’ve found that being judicious is far more important than being right, because in the end, they merge and become one in the same.
Today's music - "Soul Meets Body"
I want to live where soul meets body
And let the sun wrap its arms around me
And bathe my skin in water cool and cleansing
And feel, feel what it's like to be new
Be well, stay strong, and much love to you all! J
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